40 Days of Lent ⛪ Pope Francis' Suggestion

40 Days of Lent ⛪ Pope Francis' Suggestion

     Pope Francis has suggested we pursue the Lenten Calendar, not so much as a period of abstention and sacrifice, and more as a time for reflection. Rather than “Giving Up” candy or beer for 40 days, Pope Francis says we can best present the true meaning of Lenten Vows as a time for changing attitudes and for examining our prejudices.  

       Mindful reflection can allow us to push forward, past the outward display of Ashes representing the dust from whence we came and the dust of which we will again become. Spiritual reflection on the Now, and the ways we can improve ourselves, our lives, our loves, families, and communities.


       Blessed Carlo Acutis is our First Saint of the Day on the SaintsforHOPE 40 Day Calendar. Carlo is a true influencer of our currency, reflective of the past, anticipating the future and staying solidly in the Moment of Today.  

       Blessed Carlo is well known as the youngster ahead of his time. He created web sites and chronicled the supernatural effects of the Marian Miracles. Carlo proactively recorded the Blessed Virgin’s Marian Miracles while marveling at the Miracles of Now and influxes of trends and pop culture. Carlo relished his coexistence with alternative realities, the past, the present, and the reality of progress in time, space, and virtuality. 

       We greatly admire Blessed Carlo Acutis. At first glance we were unable to truly coin his magnitude. Certainly, he is influential as a creator of The Marian Miracle databases. Carlo also influences the in fluency of technology and digital omnipotence. How could we present Carlo in a true, meaningful, and viable way?  

       Even his “saint” medal offered a conundrum. There he is, binarily featured as a kid with a mop of curly and beautiful hair on his medal. Finally, our youngest crafter, Franco, created our Carlo. Before now, the only saint whose hair is painted on a SaintsforSinners medal is Saint Mary Magdalen. We now have a new saint (to be) Carlo, with blazingly beautiful black hair painted and flowing everywhere. In keeping with “kids today,”  he dons a basic red tee shirt and on it, Nike’s symbolic “Swoosh.”  

Blessed and contemporary Carlo Acutis, he’s perfect for 20.22!

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